The Royal Hunt Of The Sun
Programme - March 1969
Original Magazine Supplied By Steve Czyrko
Chanting between Atahuallpa and his priests stresses the formality of the relationship, Masks from the Greek theatre help to drain all personality from the Indians leaving strange idol figures. The priests wearing masks as they surround the body of Atahuallpa, waiting for the sun to rise and bring him back to life, express the bewilderment and despair of a nation. Yet another epic device used is the narrator, Martin Ruiz. He fills in the story and allows the author to take short cuts at opportune moments.

As well as having strong theatrical appeal, this play is thought-provoking. Not only is there the personal drama in the clash between Pizarro and Atahuallpa but also the clash of two systems, the clash between Christianity and Paganism.

These, then, are some of the thoughts in our minds as we have prepared the play which we present to you tonight.

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