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After a lapse of several years the school has at last produced a play again. It was only a one-act play, “Moon-Rocket”, performed as part of the Speech Day, but it is a beginning. Hardly any of the actors had any previous experience and in the circumstances they all performed very creditably. The producer thanks them for the work they put into making the play a success.

A play is usually the result of a combination of talents and this play was no exception. We have to thank Mr. Tufnell for the lighting and the scenery, Mr. O’Connell for the sound, and two people not directly connected with the school, Mr. & Mrs. McDaid for the make-up. Without detracting from the work of the others, Mr. Tufnell deserves a special mention, in that it is probably true to say that without him there would not have been a play. Apart from his own personal part, he trained the stage crew, who played their part as well as the actors. Perhaps, most important of all he aroused enthusiasm.

This is, all now in the past, but very soon we shall be beginning a new production. We shall be appealing for volunteers, chiefly for acting, but for other jobs as well. If you are interested in any aspect of the stage watch the notice-board for information of the next production.

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