Hockey Report

In the season (1963-64) the number of rained-off games afternoons was large, but in between hockey was played on the school Redgra. Later in the season two pitches at Kenton were made available and Kenton is now the regular hockey ground.

The only fixtures played were against Finchley and Royal Commercial Travellers, the results of which greatly improved towards the end of the season as the team gained experience and played a stronger game. In spite of the results all the games were greatly enjoyed.

For the season (1964-65) which is just starting, the number of hockey players has risen to record proportions, despite new competition, and will, it is hoped, rise further. Some fixtures have been arranged with Finchley, Kilburn, Kynaston, Mount Grace, and Royal Commercial Travellers Schools, and St. Mary's Training College. Later in the season it is hoped to play the Old Salvatorians' Hockey team.

House matches for the first time are to be played for the Hockey Shield. For the present teams will consist of six a side until more players are recruited. The House teams will be competing for the shield presented to the school by Mr. Lobo, the father of a past pupil who played for the school hockey team.

On behalf of the school I would like to express our gratitude for this gift.

F. Rawson,
Hockey Captain.

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