Cricket General Report

We had a disappointing season for cricket, mainly because of the bad weather -- about half-a-dozen games were played in real cricketing weather. Credit is due to those whose enthusiasm brought them long distances to matches, only to find the pitch unfit for play; many games were played in conditions more suited for Soccer or Rugby.

Congratulations are due to D. Dury on being chosen to play for England Schools Cricket Association, Middlesex and Surrey Young Amateurs Combined side and Middlesex Young Amateurs and Schools sides. It was a pity that illness restricted his games for England to the game against the Netherlands. At Christmas he is off to Pakistan with the combined County side. Congratulations also to J. Duffy on winning the School Single Wicket Competition. This keeps up the school tradition of only wicket keepers winning the competition.

Thanks are due to:- the Local Authority for giving us permission to use the ground on Saturday afternoons, the mothers who gave up their time to prepare teas, the many fathers who helped with transporting teams, and staff and fathers who umpired. Without this help it would be impossible to run the whole fixture list for all six sides.

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