It'll pay you handsomely
If you are a personable young man with a good G.C.E., join the Midland Bank. Holding "A" levels in certain subjects will entitle to an immediate year's seniority on the basic salary scale. And you will qualify for "Study leave" to prepare for the Institute of Bankers Examinations. Show that you are able, and you will be put in the Special Grade. This means that your salary could go up by as much as £200 a year; and you would be sure that you were being marked out for a management role in the Bank.

Make a note of this
About 50% of present-day entrants to the Midland Bank will reach managerial rank. You can do this in your early 30's, earning at least £2,230, rising to £5,000 and more. By becoming a marked man at the Midland, you can make your mark early.

Find out more about us
We can easily arrange for you to meet the District Staff Superintendent in your area. If you would like us to fix this up write to the Staff Manager at Head Office, Midland Bank Limited, Poultry, London EC2.

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