Friends Of The Salvatorian College

This is our bus -
'twas given
by the Friends
Once again I have the pleasure of writing a report of the Association for publication in the School Magazine. For those parents who attended the Annual General Meeting in October most of this article will be old news. Perhaps they will bear with me because I would like to take the opportunity of reaching a wider audience through this medium.

The previous twelve months have again followed the pattern of previous years with the usual functions which seem to be part of our regular way of life. Wine and Cheese Parties have again been the most successful social events. During the past year, we have tried to alter these slightly; by the addition of a Band, and a wider variety of refreshments, we have had a Wine and Buffet Dance. The first of these was the most successful, and we are going to persevere with these during the coming year. The Christmas Bazaar is, of course, our best fund-raising event. I am pleased to report that the result for November 1968 was an improvement on the previous year. I earnestly hope that next year I can report a further improvement. The weekly Whist Drive, every Thursday during School Terms is also a steady source of income, and over the last few weeks we have been able to maintain a constant eleven or twelve tables. However, I would still like to see a few more people each week - as long as you know how to play the game, I can promise you a very enjoyable evening. You may remember that I told you we had high hopes of enlarging our scope, by arranging Musical evenings with records and slides. I regret that, owing to lack of support, these have had to be abandoned.

There was also a slight drop in the number of Members last year. This could be attributable to the fact that we did not hold the Football Competition. It would appear that when the Football Cards are returned with 10/- it is very easy to include a further 10/- to pay the Membership Fee at the same time. This theory is borne out by the fact that, at the time of writing, the figures for Membership are up this year, as compared with the same period last year. Even so, when you think that there are almost 600 boys attending the College, the number of paid-up members is most disappointing. This membership fee does help to defray the cost of sending out the newsletters.

Once again we assisted at the Parish Summer Fete, and we were also responsible for the supply of refreshments at the School Sports Day.

They gave us
these too!

So much for the functions which have been organised. What have we done with money that has been raised? During the year, equipment for educational and for sporting needs has been supplied. A series of Loop Cassettes and an overhead projector have been purchased; new equipment for Soccer, Hockey, Cricket, Badminton, Rugby and Table Tennis was provided. The Drama Society and the Science Societies have a1so received grants.

I suppose one of the most important decisions taken during the year was when Committee agreed to assist the College with the repayment of the outstanding debt on the School. Increased costs, higher interest rates, and a reduction in the income normally set aside for this purpose have aggravated this problem. It was decided that the income from certain events would be donated towards reducing the debt. Profits from the Bingo sessions, Mondays and Saturdays, will be set aside for this purpose.

These were originally run for the Parish, and it is gratifying to report that the small band of helpers who ran it then have agreed now to work for the F.S.C. I am glad to be able to tell you that the income from this source is steadily rising.

You will, I am confident, agree with me that our activities over the past twelve months have been quite successful.

I would like, in concluding, to quote from a letter received from the Clerk to the Governors of the College. "Please be so kind as to convey to each member of your Committee, as indeed to all members of the Friends of the Salvatorian College, the warmest gratitude of the Governors for all the valuable articles that you have made available to the School in this year, as in previous ones."

Arthur Mellins
Hon. Secretary

Christmas Bazaar

The Friends of Salvatorian Christmas Bazaar was held in the school hall in November.

Even though the weather was bitterly cold, with snow in the air, the attendance could easily have been higher. Boys from the school enjoyed themselves, it is hoped, while helping on various stalls including the Hoop-la, Amusements, Wheel of Fortune and Chicken Draw.

With the proceeds from the raffle the Net Profit was almost £360. But the raffle was a disappointment since not enough tickets were sold by the majority of the boys. Considering that the Friends put in a great deal of work and effort all the year round, the least the boys can do is assist in making the bazaar a success by responding more readily to appeals for Bottles, groceries, cakes and fancy goods, during the preceeding weeks.

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