The Annual School Sports, held at Bannister playing fields, were won this year by the House of Campion, with a record-breaking lead in points. The turn-out, of both staff and boys, was considerable, but could have been better.

On the field itself, good humour and enthusiasm made up for the overall lack of top-flight ability. In the steeplechase especially, competitive spirit and showmanship were noticeable, and this helped the occasion to become a social event; rather than an annual display of our top athletes.

Further interest was supplied by Mr. Pickles's scintillating commentary, and the mystery of the quick-drying cement. And for those of more conservative taste, there were, of course, the sports.

Altogether, sports day was a great success; and it is to be hoped that on future occasions it will be as good, if not better. If everyone involved with the school - staff, boys and their families - shows an active interest in this event, it cannot fail to be an interesting and enjoyable occasion, (regardless of the weather!)

S.T. Eeplechaser.

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