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Geography Society

Work during this year has been centred on the proposed Summer Term exhibition, "The Oceans". Various pieces of work have been undertaken, ranging from wall-charts to models, and illustrating, "Undersea Farming", "Coastal Erosion and Deposition", "Fishing", "Shipping Routes", and others.

As is often the case, most of the work is being done by an energetic few - but at least THEY seem to be enjoying themselves.

Although, as a society, we have not undertaken any fieldwork this year, a number of individual members have roamed far and wide in their search for original material. Patrick Wherity organised a week in the Gower Peninsula which yielded splendid results.

The Upper Sixth visited an Old Boy of the school, Louis Sinnott Esq., on his farm near Bletchley, where they were most hospitably received. Mrs. Sinnott provided welcome hot soup to supplement our packed lunches, and Mr. Sinnott gave a great deal of his valuable time in showing us around his farm and discussing methods and policy in detail. The day provided an interesting contrast with the previous one, which had been spent studying the urban geography of Wandsworth.

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