Millions of years ago, across the veldt of the great African continent, huddled in tiny groups, Ape-man strived to seek safety from the extremes of temperature, the monstrous carnivores and rivals of his own kind. One Ape-man alone had no chance of survival - to be driven away from the cave, from his fellow beings meant certain death.

They had no morals to live by; survival of the fittest was their only code. Together, bound by instinct in a crude community, Ape-man had a lot to learn ...

Towers of concrete and glass reach out to the sky. Cars bumper to bumper on the highway. Intolerable noise. Commuter upon commuter hurrying at snail's pace to the railway terminus. Man surrounds man surrounds man. He may not escape from the cycles that enclose him. Up at seven in the morning. Breakfast. Off to work by eight. Dinner. Back home at six. Tea. Supper at seven. Watch David Frost at ten. And bed by eleven. This is his day. Every day. As soon as a child is born, from that first smack on the bottom, he will be mentally conditioned over the years to conform to cycles which society sees fit to impose on him.

How long can man endure the human stampede inherent in city life? The breaking point may soon be reached. Live together. Sleep together. Eat together. A legacy from the Ape Man.

Social indoctrination primarily begins at school. A child soon discovers that he is not the only person that really matters. After the "leaving Mother" ceremony is over and initial shyness fades into obscurity, young Tommie realises that he can get on with other children, tolerate them, even befriend some! The reliance on a Mother figure is slowly dying away. The sexes divide: "boys is boys; girls is girls". The great herd of mankind divides and sub-divides.

By adolescence, the herd instinct has had time to develop, the potential is actualised. How is this instinct shown? When and why is it shown? Every Saturday thousands of youngsters flock to support their football teams. Sharing in the joy of their team's success or in the dismal rejection of their defeat. Behind the goal, the terrace is filled with fans hurling abuse at the opposing club's supporters. Safety in numbers is the creed.

In Britain and America, Baden-Powell's Scout Movement, the ever popular Scout Movement, brings together adolescents; indeed, in Ireland the Movement has never got off the ground. To be successful, such associations must satisfy the demands placed upon them by their members. The security which an organised group offers some adolescents is often enticing, the overwhelming need "to belong" is always predominant.

Herding always occurs through a mass stimulation, whether this be music, violence or peace, sport, or education. Any one who is susceptible to Pop music will attach himself to the herd that craves after Pop. Here, similar interests and ideas will fuse together, interact; new philosophies and cultures emerge. The young search for new means of expression, attempt to identify themselves with themselves. They set new standards to live by at a time when they are attempting to escape from the chains of society. Alienation. Reject the old! Long live the "Age of Aquarius". Conformity is out'. Unfortunately, rejection has arrived too late. Individuality is lost by virtue of entering a community, although it may profess an entirely original doctrine. The "Beautiful People" are but another herd. This is a short-lived Utopia. The liberation of the mind through drugs ends in insecurity. Eventually the herd will became extinct - the pre-ordained cycle of living thrust upon Every-one will triumph. The Permissive Society, so cherished by the Drop-outs, has never been - although morals have appeared to reach an all-time low. It was the psychologists' dream. And it was accepted.

Nowadays, the "Older Generation" witnesses the formation of new adolescent herds. Gone are the Mods and Rockers. Enter the Skinheads and Greasers. These factions make sensational newspaper reading and it is not surprising that some believe that the young have created a veritable army of discontented, unsocial, rebellious, good-for-nothing, mal-adjusted delinquent thugs who should have been immured ages ago. Perhaps this is a sign of the times we live in. There is no common cause in which the whole of society may become wholly involved. The common cause induces a catholic fervour when an entire herd is threatened - threatened by war. A national fervour has waned - but fervour remains in different guises. A herd can, and does, act as an outlet for an adolescent's emotions, though they be violent and spontaneous.

It is sad that the aspirations of the young are stifled in a few years after they accept the orthodox society which has moulded them into social vegetables. They leave their own private herd to join, accept and enjoy the benefits of a herd in which they play just a small part, accepting without question the relentless cycles of existence. At some future time they might give their all for Their herd. Fight against an unseen foe ...

... The cloud of humanity descends, drifts above the Cenotaph, and with hell-sent speed journeys to the veldt of the great African continent. And here at some later date, Ape-man will strive to seek safety from the extremes of temperature, the monstrous carnivores and himself. To cheat extinction is his sole philosophy. This is the Second Dawn -- "And peace will guide the planets: and love will guide the stars."

Matthew Doyle

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