He felt the cold wind huddle his ugly body as he flew through the air. His numerous eyes sought one of two things, light or food. Ahead of him lay an open window, a temptation he could not resist. In through the yawning chasm he flew, followed by an eerie buzzing. He hovered as though he was on a roundabout and slowly descended.

Various aromas wafted to him, until he landed on a dirty P.V.C. tablecloth. Like a newborn foal he straggled along, not knowing what to do with his many legs. His wings twitched as if to tell him of some unseen danger, but there was none yet! He wandered through a swamp of ketchup, his feet slipped and slid violently. In desperation he beat his tiny transparent wings furiously. This small gust of wind cleared the ketchup from around his legs. A quick leap and he was free. Kicking away specks of dust, he approached the sugarbowl with caution. This huge barrel of "snow" did not look too dangerous. Gripping the dish firmly, he had no trouble in walking up the side, defying gravity. Once on the rim he had a rest. He then crept down into the "Valley". The crystals crunched under his feet. He rose up into the air, bored with listening to the crackling sugar. His head swivelled round a few degrees; he saw the hard crust of a bit of toast, he was going to celebrate his find. Swooping down he landed near it and overjoyed rushed towards it .... SMACKKK !!!!
"Damn flies! Dirty things they are!"

as small as a fly
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