Boulogne Trip

For the past five years the Second Year boys have had the opportunity of going on a day trip to Boulogne. Although this is no substitute for an exchange holiday in a French family and the amount of French learnt and used is negligible, there are a number of good reasons for going. It enables the boys to see that the continent is not that far away, yet, although in many respects the way of life is similar to our own, in a number of others it is very different. For many boys too, it is their first experience of travelling any distance on a boat and going through the customs.

Here are some of the observations made by pupils this year :

"I was looking forward to the trip because I had never been abroad before"

"In Boulogne you do not get the feeling you are out of place"

"People seemed to be speaking dubble-Dutch" but another commented.

"Shopkeepers spoke broken English"

"I spent a lot of money and came back with hardly anythink"

But another "money was no object that day"

"All in all it was a good day"

For every ten boys, one member of staff has to go. It is a very long day, starting at South Harrow station at 7 in the morning and not returning until 10.30 at night. I should like to take this opportunity of thanking all those teachers who have accompanied these groups, and also all those who 'volunteered' to take their classes on the day.

R A Davis

Original spelling as it appeared in the magazine!

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