The Editor

"I claim not to have controlled events but confess plainly that events have controlled me."

The story behind this issue is a coloured and varied one punctuated by a history of 'stop - go'. It has been 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration! After a rather too long break between the initial typing and the typesetting disaster struck ... in a fit of pique the typewriter gave up the ghost, with the result that repair was out of the question.

The Friends of Salvatorian then came up trumps and kindly financed the purchase of a new IBM, fifteen inch carriage, electric golf ball machine. Gathering in the last of the material we set to work again.

Finally all was set for the printing in the school's Reprographic Society works and Mr Tufnell, the Editor and Andrew Newbert began the lengthy process of printing. Having completed the operation it only remains for me to wish you a pleasant time perusing the Golden Jubilee Issue.

Thanks are extended to all those that have contributed in making this issue possible.


For some unknown reason this editorial was printed upside down in the magazine. Maybe a mistake, maybe artistic. Anyone remember?

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