Halieuhkos-ing (Fishing)

After the Jubilee hobbies evening, as a result of many enquiries being made at the fishing stand, it was decided to form the SALVATORIAN HALIEUTIC CLUB.

The name comes from the Greek word 'halieuhkos meaning 'fishing' or 'of fishing'.

After holding a few preliminary meetings to see how many members there would be, we successfully applied to the London Anglers Association and are now fully affiliated. This enables us to fish over 70 miles of water for a small fee at the beginning of the season.

Next season, beginning 15th June, we hope to organise a fishing trip at least once a month using the school minibus. We are also in the process of organising several matches against other clubs. We are also going to run our own championship which will be spread out over the season.

We hope to have a good match team so that we can enter the Schools National again next year with a better chance than we stood this year, (we lost in first round to the Central Foundation Boys School, in bad weather conditions, by 4 oz)

Anyone wishing to join the club should contact Mr Frew or P Robinson

a fish

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