Quiz Two

1. On what island is Honolulu?
2. The famous overture, 1812, by Tchaikowsky, was composed to mark what famous event?
3. Who wrote the play "The Applecart?"
4. Margaret Mitchell was quoting whom when she named her book "Gone With The Wind"?
5. Who painted "The Last Supper"?
6. What is the highest peak of the Alps?
7. The famous Bobby Jones accomplished the unusual feat of winning all four major golf titles in a single year. He did this in which of these years? (a)1926 (b)1929 (c)1930 (d)1932.
8. "Banzai" is a greeting in what country?
9. Who was Simon Legree?
10. What English author's middle name was Makepeace?

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