Thursday 6 September 1973
Harrow Observer Report
Supplied By Michael O'Shea
Co-operation in school during hard times
THE CO-OPERATION of staff, parents, and pupils during difficult times was the recurring theme of activities at the Salvatorian College, Wealdstone, according to headmaster Father D. Crilly, speaking at the college’s prize-giving evening on Thursday.

In his annual report Father Crilly said:

“This has been a most difficult year for all schools in the borough, not only because of the reorganisation of education the secondary sector but even more so in the nursery, infant and primary sectors.

“While the Salvatorian College remains a grammar school until the Junior College site becomes available, it has nevertheless been affected especially in the delay occasioned by the late reply of the secretary of state and the consequent delay in assessment for first year intake in the current year. I should like at once to express my sincere thanks to my colleagues both in the voluntary aided and maintained sectors for all the help so generously given so that the work of the school could carry on as before.

“Added problems in the course of the 1972/73 school - staff resignations both in the autumn and spring terms - were minimised by the prompt acceptance by the staff of the extra burdens placed upon them.

“Co-operation has been the recurring theme of all school activity during the year. The swift co-operation of the staff in coping with extra pressure: the very high percentage of co-operation of parents with the recommendation of staff at 27 parent/teacher meetings in the course of the year: the co-operation of the pupils, not only in the academic sphere, but in the manifold areas of interest, athletic and cultural, which go to form the sum of education.


“On the staff side, Mr. Pickles from the biology department and Mr. Corey from the history, went to other schools for promotion: Mrs. Courtney, mathematics, had to attend the very important matter of becoming a mother: Miss Blaine left to do Graduate Nursing studies. While we could not fill the vacancies with permanent staff we were most gratified to have the services of some Australian teachers whom we now wish well in their new posts.       (CONTINUED ...)

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