Sex-Instruction in the Home 1

HIS is a book on sex-instruction, and is written for parents. It is to help you to give your children the information and
the training in purity they need. It must be said at once that the instruction given here is largely spiritual, and utterly different from what non-Catholics call sex-instruction. They give detailed information about sex to their children, hoping that knowledge will solve all their difficulties. We give our children what facts are necessary, but we concentrate chiefly on training their will and their character. That is the only real solution to the problem of sex-instruction.

Do they need help?
Think back to your own childhood. Some of you, when you remember how you found out the facts of life, may now wish that you had learned them from a better source. Give your children the help which you would like to have had when you were young.

Actually, the whole problem is far more urgent now than when we were young. Then, sex was secret; to-day, it is advertised. Everywhere, your children are being taught 'Hollywood' morals, at the pictures, on the posters, in the newspapers, everywhere. So, if they are to get a sane, correct, Christian attitude towards sex, it must come from you, in the home.

Too many parents "leave them to find out for themselves". That is not right. To prove it, here are some figures from America.2 Two thousand high-school boys were questioned

1 Based on an article in The Clergy Review, May 1949.
2 Lumen Vitae, 1947, No.3 "The American Adolescent and Religion", by Urban Fleege.

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