inside its mother? Nine months. The feasts of Our Lord and Our Lady remind us about that. When is Our Lord's birthday? That's easy. On Christmas Day - on December 25th. Now, if we wanted to find out the day He was conceived, you would count back nine months. If you did, you would come to March 25th, and that is the very day we keep the Annunciation of Our Lady, when the angel asked her to be the Mother of God, and she said she would. Now you can work the next one out for yourself. If we keep the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady on December 8th, when is her birthday? That's right: on September 8th.

You must always remember that the love between married people is holy, and that the conception of a child is holy. And just as we don't make fun of holy things or talk about them in a careless way, so you mustn't talk about love, or about the birth of a baby, in a disrespectful way. To help us, God puts into us all, especially as we grow up, a virtue called modesty, a shyness and fear which prevents us from leading ourselves or other people into temptation by bad talk, or by actions that are dangerous to purity.

3. What purity means
I want to tell you quite dearly what we mean by purity, and what we mean by impurity.

Supposing I start with an example. God often makes what is good for us pleasant. For instance, eating. We like eating, because God has made it pleasant, because He wants us to eat. Now, because He gave us free will, we can either use this power of eating properly, and enjoy it, as God meant us to do: or else we can misuse it by greediness and gluttony. That would be wrong, and a sin.

In the same way, He has made this act of love between father and mother, by which a baby is conceived, a great pleasure. But notice this. God only means this pleasure for married people. For them, this act is good, and holy; but for anyone else, who is not married, it is very wrong, and a mortal sin of impurity. I think you are old enough to understand all this, and I want to warn you about it. If ever you were to try to

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