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| 1961 School Extensions Magazine Index |

Progress Report

Since the last issue of the magazine appeared several changes have taken place in the school. The long familiar piles of rubble, which had almost become part of the landscape have disappeared and at last it has become possible to think of the buildings as a school. The sound of ear-splitting pneumatic drills outside of classroom windows has become only a memory and it is now possible to walk across the school yard without the danger of suddenly disappearing into a muddy morass.

The general effect of the new buildings is very pleasing and it should be greatly enhanced when the trees which have been planted begin to mature.

The finely equipped gymnasium is now in use, a mixed blessing perhaps for those boys who don't enjoy hanging from wall-bars and imitating monkeys on the ropes. Appetites are whetted in the Gym and the new kitchen and dining hall which came into use during the spring term provide an excellent amenity in the satiating of appetites.

The Tuck Shop is not a new feature, but it has new premises, and judging by the vans which are constantly arriving with icecream, sweets and cakes, with pop and confectionery, it is not in danger of going out of business. In fact there is an impression that Brother Alphonsus could soon become a rich man through the use of his ability as a salesman, if he were not already devoted to a higher calling than that of making money. He is undoubtedly the most ubiquitous member of the staff, popping up one moment, apparently from nowhere, with the staff tea, selling icecream and sweets, to the boys only seconds later, only to be seen minutes later clearing up sick in one of the school corridors. He certainly plays not an unimportant part in the life of the school.

We take the opportunity of welcoming to the Staff, Mr. Gray, who, taking charge of Chemistry in difficult circumstances caused by the gap left by the sudden death of Dr. Neumann in November last, has aroused considerable interest in his subject. Judged by the enthusiastic crowds which besiege the Staffroom door at lunch-time (it would help if they would sometimes remember that the staff do occasionally like a bit of undisturbed peace and quiet) we have many budding chemists in our midst.

| 1961 School Extensions Magazine Index |
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