Brideshead Revisited

Chris Gillespie (Irish) and I (English) got into trouble for writing an extremely libelous spoof Brideshead Revisited magazine skit with the likes of Aloysius McDonagh and Martin Towey etc transformed into teddy bear dangling Sebastian Flyte and his friends. An all Irish version of the book really.

This fell into the wrong hands. Chris and I had to say that we were just in admiration of Evelyn Waugh ... yada ... yada ... great English literary giant bla bla. Any semblance to living teachers was purely coincidental. Dominic Crilly took it into his head that Chris and I were uphill gardeners as we had been seen bunking down to the end of the Redgra out of sight. That was true but it was for a fag (sic) as it happens.

Had to deny non existent affair without owning up to cigarette smoking (Crill you've got it all wrong. We don't drive out of the rough that's why we need plenty of fresh air after double maths).

I think they were worried about applying the normal caning procedure as they were dealing with sensitive issues and we were young adolescent boys in a formative period. So we just got a talking to.

We were quite proud in hindsight of this issue as it was years before the very popular TV dramatisation set in part in Castle Howard. Drat.

… you have to be in the right place at the right time.
(Andy Collins 62-69)

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