Swisssh Trips

I remember buying a bottle of brandy on the train to Switzerland for the skiing trip in either 68 or 69, not sure now, and he found out and confiscated it. We had had a swig or 2 out of it first though. Does anyone remember the skiing trips? It was at the hotel und kurhaus Waldheim in Mels, near Sargans in the St Gallen oberland area of Switzerland, and I seem to remember a very pretty girl called Barbara who worked in the hotel. I still have a coat hanger from there somewhere :-) The skiing was fun too.
(Steve White 65-70)

Steve I remember the time in Sargans very well. I went two years running, and cannot remember if you were with us on either of them. We had Father Louis , John Henry (whose name I can barely mention for his complete lack of understanding in one circumstance I will not dwell on) and a few others, who I can't remember. Dave Kirman early on the second trip slid down the slope as we were walking into Sargans one night and split his leg open on a rock so curtailing his skiing.

I, being 6'5", was provided with wooden skis of probably 8' long. This meant I could ski in a straight line very fast with little control, but could not turn the dang things! As I had such a bloody awful time not being able to turn or stop, I didn't try again until 1992, when I was provided with 198cm skis, and all of a sudden I could turn and stop - what a waste as I now love skiing. I remember Mick Ryan, a short and slight kid, was given skis no longer than 6'6" and I was amazed at the things he could do. One day we went to Wang's Pizol and Mick managed to ski the whole run, which was about 8km long. I managed 200m, and took my skis off and descended in the cable car.

We all seemed to have a deep desire to get vomitingly drunk on the train journey. As well we all smoked and were always on the lookout for one of the teachers coming down the train. It was very exciting crossing France by train and travelling overnight arriving in Switzerland the following morning, hung over and tired as we had barely slept that night. All in all a great experience.
(Tim Woolford-Smith 64-71)

I recall these trips being referred to as "The Swish Trip" by Fr. Louis with his little speech impediment.
(John T 66-71)

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